Consulta de Guías Docentes

Academic Year/course: 2017/18

416 - Degree in English

27851 - Literary Genres in English Literature II

Syllabus Information

Academic Year:
27851 - Literary Genres in English Literature II
Faculty / School:
103 - Facultad de Filosofía y Letras
416 - Degree in English
4 and 3
Second semester
Subject Type:

5.1. Methodological overview

The learning process for this subject is based on the following:

All subjects in the discipline Literatura inglesa (English Literature) in the Grado en Estudios Ingleses (Degree in English Studies) comprise a theoretical and a practical part. The theoretical part consists in lectures providing basic information on the literary period in question, particularly on its movements, trends, and most relevant authors and works. Practical sessions will be devoted to the commentary and analysis of quotations, fragments and compulsory texts and will actively involve students, who must have read and worked on the texts prior to the lesson. All sessions will be in English and all compulsory texts must be read in English as well, and in an unabridged version.

As has been explained before, students are offered the possibility of writing an optional individual essay on the compulsory novels under the supervision of the teacher, who will provide guidance and will be available during office hours in order to deal with questions, help with the planning of the essay and the writing process. Students must show the practical and theoretical knowledge acquired in the subject, their capacity for synthesis, analysis and critical reasoning and their skill in managing the conventions of scholarly essays.


5.2. Learning tasks

Learning activities distributed according to hours and credits:

Teacher-directed activities:

-Theoretical lectures (30 hours/ 1,2 credits): introduction to the socio-cultural and historical context, the main subgenres, works and authors and key concepts and critical tools necessary for their understanding and analysis.

-Practical lectures and group seminars (30 hours/ 1,2 credits): devoted to the analysis and commentary of compulsory readings.

Supervised activities:

Individual and group tuition during teacher’s office hours (2,5 hours/ 0,1 credits), especially, but not exclusively, for those doing the optional essay.

Autonomous activities:

a) Personal study of topics dealt with in class, reading of compulsory texts and reference to basic and complementary bibliography (70 hours/ 2,8 credits)

b) Essay writing (15 hours/ 0,6 credits)

Assessment (2,5 hours/ 0,1 credits):

Final written exam comprising theoretical and practical points. See the Assessment section for more details. Handing in of optional essays.

5.3. Syllabus

(27851) Literary Genres in English Literature II



Compulsory Readings: Fanny Burney's Evelina (extracts). Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice


Compulsory Readings: Matthew Lewis's The Monk (extracts). Mary Shelley's Frankenstein


Compulsory Readings: Charlotte Brontë's Jane Eyre. Charles Dickens's  Great Expectations.


Compulsory Readings: James Joyce's Ulysses  (extracts). Virginia Woolf's The Waves (extracts).


Compulsory Readings: Jean Rhys's Wide Sargasso Sea (a rewriting of Charlote Brontë's Jane Eyre). Peter Carey's Jack Maggs (extracts; a rewriting of Charles Dickens's Great Expectations).


At the beginning of the course, the teachers will leave a dossier in the Faculty’s copy shop including a series of critical readings to help students with the analysis of the novels. There are copies of all the compulsory novels in the María Moliner library. Most of them, not being subject to copyright restrictions, are available on the Internet (see Project Gutenberg en

The subject also has a webpage in the platform Moodle-unizar with diverse material related to the syllabus.

5.4. Course planning and calendar

On the first day of the course students will be provided with a detailed calendar of lessons for them to organise their reading of compulsory texts.

Those students doing the optional essay must hand in an essay proposal during week seven of the course. The deadline for handing in essays is the date of the June final exam.

5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources

 BB A companion to the gothic / edited by David Punter Oxford : Blackwell, 2001
BB Baldick, Chris. In Frankenstein's shadow : myth, monstrosity and nineteenth-century writing / Chris Baldick Oxford : Clarendon, 1987
BB Carr, Helen. Jean Rhys / Helen Carr . - [1st ed.] Plymout [Inglaterra] : Northcote House in association with The British Council, 1996
BB Cavallaro, Dani. Gothic Vision: Three Centuries of Horror, Terror and Fear London, New York: Continuum, 2002
BB Charles Dickens : Great Expectations : A reader's guide to essential criticism / Edited by Nicholas Tredell . New York : Palgrave, cop. 1998
BB Dickens, “Hard times“, “Great expectations“, and “Our mutual friend“ : a casebook / edited by Norman Page . 1st publ., [9th repr.] Houndmills, Basingstoke ; London : Macmillan, [1995]
BB Eagleton, Terry. The English novel : an introduction / Terry Eagleton Malden, MA : Blackwell, 2008
BB English literature in context / edited by Paul Poplawski Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2008
BB [Filmografía] - Great expectations / director David Lean ; producer Anthony Havelock-Allan and Ronald Neame ; screenplay David Lean, Anthony Havelock-Allan, Cecil McGivern, Ronald Neame and Kay Walsh. United Kingdom , 1946
BB [Filmografía] - Jane Eyre [película]. Jane Eyre [película] / [dirigida por] Robert Young ; [actores] Deborah Findlay, Laura Harling, Ben Sowden . Barcelona : Track media, D.L. 2009
BB [Filmografía] - Pride and prejudice [película]. Orgullo y prejuicio [película] / dirigida por Simon Langton . Madrid : Mundodigital, D.L. 2003 [película]
BB [Filmografía] - Rowing with the wind [película] / written and directed by Gonzalo Suárez . Burbank : Buena Vista Home Entertainment
BB [Filmografía] - Wide Sargasso Sea / director John Duigan ; producer Jan Sharp ; screenplay John Duigan, Carole Angier, and Jan Sharp. Australia : Fine Line Features , 1993
BB Gilbert, Sandra M.. The madwoman in the attic : the woman writer and the nineteenth-century literary imagination / Sandra M. Gilbert and Susan Gubar . New Haven [etc.] : Yale University Press, 1979
BB Hassal, Antohine. “A Tale of Two Countries: Jack Maggs and Peter Carey’s Fiction” in Australian Literary Studies 18, 2(1997): p. 128-135.
BB Hawthorn, Jeremy. Studying the novel : an introduction / Jeremy Hawthorn . - 3rd ed. London ; New York : Arnold ; New York : Distributed exclusively in the USA by St. Martin's Press, 1997
BB Johnson, Claudia L.. Jane Austen : women politics and the novel / Claudia L. Johnson Chicago ; London : University of Chicago Press, cop. 1988
BB Jones, Vivien. How to study a Jane Austen novel / Vivien Jones . - Reprint London : MacMillan, 1993
BB Jordan, John O.. “Dickens revisioned: Jack Maggs an tue ‘Engkish Book’” in Dickens. The Craft of Fiction and the Challenges of Reading. Proceedings of the Milan Symposium, Gargano,September 1998 / R. Bonadei, C. De Stasio, C. Pagetti, A. Vescovi, Milano: Unicop, 2000 . [p 292-300]
BB Karl, Frederick Robert. A reader's guide to the development of the English novel in the eighteenth century / Frederick R. Karl . - 1st ed. London : Thames and Hudson, cop. 1974
BB Kilgour, Maggie. The rise of the Gothic novel / Maggie Kilgour . - Repr. London ; New York : Routledge, 1997
BB Literature in context / Edited by Rick Rylance and Judy Simons . - 1st ed. Basingstoke : Palgrave, 2001
BB MacAndrew, Elizabeth. The gothic tradition in fiction / by Elizabeth MacAndrew New York : Columbia University Press, cop. 1979
BB Maurel, Sylvie. Jean Rhys / Sylvie Maurel . - 1st publ. Houndmills, Basingstoke ; London : Macmillan ; New York : St. Martin's Press, 1998
BB Mezel, Kathy. “Jean Rhys’s wide Sargasso sea: the madwoman in the attic (out of parenthesios into Story)” in Historicité et métafiction dans le roman contemporain des Iles Britanniques / textes reunis par Max Duperray, Aix-en-Provence : Publications de l'Université de Provence, 1994 [p. 57-71]
BB Moraru, Christian. Rewriting : postmodern narrative and cultural critique in the age of cloning / Christian Moraru Albany : State University of New York, 2001
BB Mukherjee, Meenakshi. Jane Austen / by Meenakshi Mukherjee London : Macmillan, 1991
BB Nixon, Nicola. “Wide Sargass Sea and Jean Rhys’s interrogation of the ‘Nature Wholly Alien? in Jane Eyre” in Essays in literature, 1994, 21.2 [p.267-284]
BB Pride and prejudice [película]. Orgullo y prejuicio [película] / dirigida por Simon Langton . Madrid : Mundodigital, D.L. 2003
BB Punter, David. The gothic / David Punter and Glennis Byron . Malden, MA : Blackwell, 2004
BB Sanders, Andrew. Authors in Context: Charles Dickens Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003
BB Savory, Elaine. Jean Rhys / Elaine Savory . - 1a ed., [1a] reimp Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2000
BB Schmidt, Michael. The novel : a biography / Michael Schmidt. Cambridge, Massachusetts ; London, England : The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2014
BB Seidman, Steven. Romantic longings : love in America, 1830-1980 / Steven Seidman London, New York : Routledge, 1991
BB Selby, Keith. How to study a Charles Dickens novel / Keith Selby . - [1st] repr. London : MacMillan, 1993
BB The Cambridge Companion to Jane Austen / Edited by Edward Copeland and Juliet McMaster Cambridge : Cambridge University, 2001
BB The Routledge companion to Gothic / edited by Catherine Spooner and Emma McEvoy. London ; New York : Routledge, 2007
BB Tomalin, Claire. Charles Dickens a life / Claire Tomalin . London : Penguin Books, 2012
BB Widdowson, Peter. Thomas Hardy / Peter Widdowson Plymouth : Northcote House in association with the British Council, 1996
BB Williams, Anne. Art of darkness : a poetics of Gothic / Anne Williams Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 1995
BB York Notes on Wide Sargasso Sea Essex, Beirut : Longman, York Press, 1995
  Gothic Authors Biographies - []
  Gothic Fiction Bookshel - []
  Jane Austen Centre - []
  Norton Literature Online - []
  Online Literary Resources — Twentieth-Century - []
  The Shelley-Godwin Archive - []
  The Victorian Web - []
  Voice of the Shuttle Modernism - []